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why is there ALWAYS someone watching

why is there ALWAYS someone watching

Can't catch a fucking break
anonymous Work January 09, 2025 at 4:57 pm 1
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Fat ass forktruck is sitting outside of womans bathroom watching entrance
anonymous 9 hours ago
This fat ugly stalker asshole knows thats where I take my break. And knows I'll likely go to bathroom around break time. This fat ass needs to die
anonymous 9 hours ago
Watch out I’m watching 0.0
Lol 9 hours ago
Fat fuck is waiting to drive back past 30 minutes after it saw me TRYING to got to restroom but turning around to avoid its creepy ass. Bald chimp past 5:23. Dreads having chimp past 5:25.
anonymous 8 hours ago
6:12 fat burnt creepy oj Simpson past spying. Creepy ass won't just go to work and mind its business. Always spying and guarding like a pathetic ass weirdo.
anonymous 8 hours ago
6:32 fat ass driving down aisle between buffing and inspection room again not being safe amd beeping so it can trt and catch me walking to restroom because it is a STALKER
anonymous 7 hours ago
6:39 fat creepy gorilla past at 6:39 trying to make sure I'm not near restroom now making its way back to lurk/ drive the aisles when people are trying to get to lunch
anonymous 7 hours ago
7:10 and of course 7:12 the fat bastard will be back spying again at 7:14 because the woman from assembly went into lunchroom at 6:44. This guy is a fat creepy nig with no capacity to not act like an ape
anonymous 7 hours ago
Yep. There he is at 7:14 yelling loudly across from my machine now since it can't see me it's by laser to hover in the aisle the woman from assembly walked amd so it can creeping track.
anonymous 7 hours ago
7:34 fat ass lurking in shipping no doubt watching and listening. Then it's fat creepy ass will be circling my machines pretending to work around 7:44 trying to track me. Really interesting it knows when I have to setup. It has work to do across from me then. Somebody is telling this fat disgusting predator when to turn up its creepy behavior
anonymous 6 hours ago
I leave so this fat fuckbis t hovering by me. Backbto machines at 7:46 and of course far ass creeper has to cone back to area across from me on foot to sneak up at 7:49. Disgusting fat Sloppy creepy fuck
anonymous 6 hours ago
8:04 bald chimp past spying
anonymous 6 hours ago
Stfu already
Usuk 5 hours ago
DAMN!!! IT IS YOU!!!! WOW!!!! I haven't been on here for like a year or so, and I notice how you act! Before it was some other person in some work that was staring at you in some office cubicle or something and you were full of hate. Seems like new year, yet nothing's changed! it isn't good to keep things the same, especially about hatred. Again, you should go find God or something philanthropic to do. It even seems like you got even more hateful and paranoid. Literally, go touch grass. I do believe you don't have the mental capacity to not behave the way you do here. That'll get you buried 6 feet UNDER the grass. Try and look on the bright side of life. Play a video game. Not this. So repugnant. And hateful. I'm amazed you're not part of some hate group just to be Fukushima level toxic and really enjoy the viscous level of hatred the racists and supremacist groups, especially anti Semitic groups can spew. In fact, if I recognize how you talk and see you spew anti Semitism, I wouldn't be surprised. Go get help. It's a new year. Treat itwith respect and do as such.
anonymous 5 hours ago
9:11theres fat ass beeping in department on its way to hover and watch and lurk trying to crack some code like some pathetic jealous weird ass. World laziest most ape like race of "men". Fat ass on foot hovering around machine at 9:14
anonymous 5 hours ago
Come ON, MAN!!! Give it a FUCKING REST!!!! Don't you see you doing this hasn't made you any better?! If anything, it's actually made you WORSE, and I'm GOBSMACKED by it!! I truthfully can't see anyone being with you even as a friend or a co worker. I'd avoid you like the plague if I didn't have to work with you, and if I was forced to, it'd be 100% professional with the ultimate aim of finishing what links us and then immediately getting out of your area like you were a California wildfire coming at me at 40 MPH. I'll say it again: TOUCH GRASS, STALKER!!! You sound dangerous and creepy and eventually you're gonna snap and murder someone, and no, you won't get the Luigi treatment and psychos and mentally ill people start fawning over you like you're a elite of the elite celebrity.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Oh, yeah! I just remembered! Why don't you DO DA STEVEN??!!! Maybe you'll feel ALOT better when you do it. I know people who imitate the guy I'm referring to, and you know what? They're smiling and happy and ignoring ALLLLL the hateful people and situations in life, even if only for today. You should try it. Stop being creepy for once and gradually going into like a diary type first person experience of how you became a workplace murderer. In fact, I just watched a mandatory workplace video concerning people like you and it's as if they thought of YOU while making that video. That you?
anonymous 4 hours ago
Again with the deleting my post! Anyway fatty across from my machine lurking at break time so it can see where i am to make sure im not near its girlfriend. I see magically post from other people though. FUCK OFF! i keep myself away from these stalkers and THEY SEEK ME OUT! keep the fuck away from me and stay out of my business to show youre not stalking! HOW THE FUCK DO PEOPLE SWEAR THEY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WHEN THEYRE NOT AROUND!??? you not only know im mentally ill or making this up but that im actuall stalking THEM! i film all this shit for just this purpose! Its likely youre one of the pieces of shit trying to get a reaction or just another loser. Who the fuck says i look up to Luigi? I DONT NEED PEOPLE FAWNING OVER ME BITCH! I WONT PUT UP WITH HARASSMENT AMD STALKING AND ATTEMPTS TO CONTROL ME! watching someone and trting to play tag with them when they clearly dont want to play with you is not fucking professional. Thats the fucking problem. Im here to get money not take my jealous weirdo anger out on somebody who doesnt know my name and gossip about her amd watch her. Eat shit and die loser!
anonymous 4 hours ago
Jesus christ tgis fat burnt bastard is STILL across from my machine. No doubt dragging this shit out so it can know where I am at 9:44.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Why don't you and that pasty weirdo fuck that's always with Cecilia (and who was lurking and watching me work asking if I was ok) mind your fucking business. The camera is for you unless you join the ranks of those who can't stop watching me like we're in a relationship and I'm cheating or something. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Leave me the fuck alone! HERE AND THERE. have your face and a screenshot so if you think you're fucking clever with that post then think again! Jesus you people are pathetic and fucking creepy beyond belief.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Oh. I am going to hurt you people. No fucking doubt about that. You spend so much time fucking with me because your lives are garbage or whatever. You keep thinking this shit is funny or your clear anger and jealousy isn't transparent. Some of you supervisors and management are just fucking lazy. Easier to make me the problem than your CREEPY ass employees. Keep fuckin trying me!
anonymous 4 hours ago
11:03 bald ugly ass chimp past spying.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Real trash move making it so I can't log out of jobs from any other computer but the one where the cripple is always around and where the fat fuck can see
anonymous 3 hours ago
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