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why god why (its 1.08 am)

why god why (its 1.08 am)

i just wish i had someone to talk to right now I mean the fact that I had to google this website is in simple words lame as fuck I mean I have been crying my fucking eyes out since like weeks or months, its my tenth grade (super imp) so its not like I can afford crying and bawling and the worst part is that if u were someone close to me, you would NEVER even THINK of such a state of me (that's wrong english but please shut the fuck up I'm really messed up right now and I'm a teenager so my hormones get to me) and the thing is even my best friends and parents have hurt me which is why I'm unable to text anyone. man I didn't even hesitate to text someone I just decided not to entirely without thinking twice and I always think twice.
i just, I don't know man I hate this world I'm living in, I hate the meanness, the back bitching, the rudeness, the hurt and the pain but at the same time I'm way too much of a pussy too kill myself or even think about itwhile I basically cry to god why everyone in my life and heck in everyone's life sooo mean and I wonder what am I getting punished for, what did I do wrong and why am I getting treated so bad when all I wanna do is LIVE.
anonymous Relationships September 10, 2024 at 3:43 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
You're in 10th grade retard it's not even that hard get a life.
anonymous 3 weeks ago
ANYONE can feel frustrated and feel like life sucks. Also, this is a free fucking website why do you have to comment on someone's feelings and be stupid abt it. HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!
anonymous 2 hours ago
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