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Retard checklist

Retard checklist

Parroting shit from the news about inflation and gas prices when gas has remained around the same price for over 20 years.

"McDonald's is expensice"

They only want to watch new movies and TV and refuse to see anything older unless it's some tired shit like Talladega Nights or Friends.

Talks about celebrity gossip like it's earthshattering.

Relates to trashy braindead celebs and basically tries to live through them.

Acts like celebrity controversy is some new thing despite Hollywood always being evil and celebs doing dumb shit always being a thing.

Orders coffee and fast food every day and it's just another meal to them. Doesn't see how they shouldn't be spending 1000 a month on this.

Still uses Facebook
anonymous Funny September 27, 2024 at 8:29 pm 1
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2 Rant Comments
Gas price jumps every Monday night, My mom was a See you next Tuesday-->, she was always bitching about gas prices in the 90s and 00s, so I've kept my eye on them, my sister and I use gas prices like people talk about the weather because thats all my Mom ever talked about was gas prices, celebrity drama, and racist stuff against the Spanish, I'm sure every Tuesday there is someone butthurt about gas prices going up, and they just talk about it all through the middle of the week, if you celebrate gas prices going down every time they do, you get a free banana. Hallelujah!
anonymous 1 day ago
Gas prices. Ffs. I detest this complaint. I remember the gas shortage in the 1970s. Lines were long as hell, and people got into fights over who got to be next at the pump before the tanks ran dry. Gas stations closed because they couldn't get more gas delivered!

Yeah... let's go back to that? No thank you.

I told my sister I wish gas prices would just go up to a high price and stay there. Then maybe there would be fewer buttmunchers joyriding and wasting gas for no good reason. (She didn't like my comment.)

Oh well.

As long as I'm paying my bills, and can get to work - I've got nothing to complain about.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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