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ppl r so unfun nowadays

ppl r so unfun nowadays

everythings either about their opinions being the only right ones orrr they want certain narratives to always be right just because they believe it is right and everyone else must be wrong or they have to shove it down other peoples throats. like stfu let others enjoy smth or dont bother but then whatever i try to enjoy seems to be filled with toxicity bc again other ppl cant let others enjoy smth it seems.

also everything isnt a conspiracy 24/7. no it doesnt have to be looked at under a microscope either.

good lord i wanna take a time machine so i can get out of this hellhole and go back to a time when i never existed. its like theres no real joy anymore and ppl just hellbent on sticking with their beliefs like not considering anything else but that one belief. theyre so boring to talk too and hella one sided. i already went through hella one sided "friendships" in school then in my adult life its like theres no one else whos genuinely individual anymore? everythings abt trends or aesthetics and being a lunatic online it seems.
anonymous Other September 26, 2024 at 8:45 pm 0
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