best dating

omg stop it.

omg stop it.

ok i have had enough with sensitive ickle delicate minded gen z when it comes to disgareeing on everything they make it personal offence, sorry but that boy was average asf and he is a boy therefore not someone my age range would even care about? why do they have a one opinion for everything type attitude? its boring now we cant even have our own preferences bc they seem to forget people are different age ranges eww i wouldnt find someone whos in their early 20s attractive, thats far too young.

next generations r ruined mentally it seems. this isnt even the first time they act like everyone has to be agreeable on what others say all the time. are they forgetting that the kpop that is available nowadays is only catered to their age ranges including models? they all look like they just left school or they look like a typical white boy aka nothing special.
anonymous Other September 24, 2024 at 3:58 pm 0
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That's rich coming from a generation that thinks abuse is the only answer. Or buck up, but when it's told to you, you all seem to forget and whine that you aren't getting your way or "I'm your elder, respect me!" Respect is earned old one, not given.

If you don't Like it, buck up and deal with it. Your closer to death anyways.
anonymous 1 day ago
if you dont like my rants buck up and deal with it? why do you follow my rants over and over again telling me im the one that needs to shut up and get a life? i have one unlike u. if i were u id sleep with ur eyes open tonight my little gangstalking pal
anonymous 3 hours ago
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