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No shining knight for Americans

No shining knight for Americans

On GOP abusing American citizens;

"Other countries are laughing at these idiots. How did we stop them. Somebody anybody we need help!!!!!!"

I'm sure the toothless wonder which is the UN will write yet another report on how the US government is violating the human rights of it's citizens.
anonymous Other March 03, 2025 at 12:39 pm 0
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I'm sure the US is in their thoughts and prayers.
anonymous 4 hours ago
That there king of englands is comin over to beg Emperor Trump to let him be kiing for a while longer as Trump has declared that the old queen gave Trump the crown and said that Trump shood be queen as we all know and wants.
putiin's potatoe toes 4 hours ago
The princess was captured by a dragon. As the dragon carries the screaming princess away to lock her in the tower of the dark castle, the heroic knight shouts to the princess, "Don't worry! I'll write a report on how the dragon is mistreating you." before our hero rides away back to the kingdom to think about the words he's going to write.
anonymous 3 hours ago
The Germans have got their own far right AfD problems they've got to think about and after today they've got another portion of German citizens aligning with team AfD. With Muhammad once again topping the name of baby names in England their own home grown AfD like party will be contesting for top spot real soon. Each time Macron stands for election, his win get slimmer against Marie Le Pen's party which has picked up enough seats to be influencers on how Macron governs. Fascism is making a comeback everywhere, not only in the US. The democratic experiment in the US in which they invited the world to partake in unfortunately is coming to an end.
anonymous 1 hour ago
^Brazil is getting more "nostalgic" for it's old right wing military dictatorship too.

It's as if they think the brownshirts would only come for the "other people" and never for them. History proves this otherwise over and over again. :-(

Oh well, they can vote in tyrants but they better not complain if they get fucked by what they wished for.

anonymous 56 minutes ago
^Brazil is getting more "nostalgic" for it's old right wing military dictatorship too.

It's as if they think the brownshirts would only come for the "other people" and never for them. History proves otherwise over and over again. :-(

Oh well, they can vote in tyrants but they better not complain if they get fucked by what they wished for.
anonymous 55 minutes ago
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