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Im a Republican

Im a Republican

And I think its time my fellow Republicans stand up for this country and put down the loyalty for a man who does not deserve it.
United we stand, not with Trump.
anonymous Political August 16, 2019 at 2:17 pm 4
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15 Rant Comments
oh, no .. i can hear the footsteps of all the people who agree with you- they must be approaching .. who, exactly, do you expect trump voters to vote for next time ?
T 5 years ago
^ you missed the entire point, T. To be expected from the brainwashed. To the OP, BRAVO!
añonymous 5 years ago
^All you people think we voted for him because we're brainwashed. You just can't wrap your brains around the fact that we agree with him- for the most part- but what democrat have you agreed with 100% ? How were all of you brainwashed ? Did california tamper with the election when Obama won ?
T. 5 years ago
No. California did not tamper with the election of Obama. Stupid analogy.
añonymous 5 years ago
Not an analogy- a joke.. There was just as much tampering with the last election as there was when obama won. I know what you're all really worried about - losing again. Well, get the kleenex ready.
T. 5 years ago
We don't cry. Did you cry after the 2018 "red tsunami" midterms? The only tampering during the 2008 election was Sarah Palin. There was no tampering in 2012. The Russians were all over the 2016 election.
añoñymous 5 years ago
Я думаю, что вы очень глупы. Россияне не могут вмешиваться в выборы в каком-либо качестве, которые могли бы иметь эффект. У нас есть технологические лагеря, которые продвигают русские панславянские и антиеврейские национальные идеи за рубежом, однако эти методы в основном используются для людей, которые, в конце концов, имеют свободу выбора, признавать ли нашу так называемую пропаганду (правду) фактом. или нет...

Люди с очень нестабильным, узким умом, такие как вы, являются, пожалуй, самым слабым звеном в так называемой национальной безопасности.

Но в основном мне интересно, как можно сказать, что нация, которая позволяет своим так называемым гражданам составить собственное мнение, имеет какую-либо безопасность. ?
Питер 5 years ago
В конце концов, разве японские мультфильмы не превращают многих граждан вашей страны (и моих) в мастурбирующих безработных? Если Россия вмешалась в одни выборы, западный мир сделал намного хуже для человеческой психологии всей планеты.
Питер 5 years ago

My cock every time I think of John Kasich
anonymous 5 years ago
^ to añoñymous - i was watching the faces of the dems as the poll results were flowing in that night.. You do cry.
T. 5 years ago
Also - you should enter Peter's comments into a translator - not that you will, since it's Russian, after all.. But ..
T. 5 years ago
^ Why don't you pour gasoline in your bedroom, swallow a fistful of Ambien, and play with matches until you fall asleep?
añonymous 5 years ago
^ ooooooh, fucking triggered … your millennial snowflake ass is showing.. but we already saw it anyway. why don't YOU just swallow two fistfuls of ambien? no matches, no fire, no mess, no problem. one less vote for the left.
T. 5 years ago
^ LOL! You're the one who is triggered. My comment was written to do just that. Thank you for your cooperation! FYI... I guarantee to you I am older than you, know-nothing nobody.
añonymous 5 years ago
What is it you republicans agree with trump about?
If you dont see how shallow that fuck is you are seriously stupid. NOT PATRIOTIC YA DUMBASS, JUST REALLY FUCKING STUPID.
anonymous 5 years ago
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