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if that were true

if that were true

Her narrative in 2002 was that I knocked on her door and that she immediately recognized me as the person that had been sending her love letters. That is what she wrote in her victim statement in 2002.

If that narrative were true than that should have been the same narrative that she gave Constable Lennon in July 2000. But that is not the narrative that she gave Constable Lennon in July 2000. Her narrative in July 2000 didn't mention love letters at all because there were no love letters to mention.

If the narrative she gave in 2002 were true than it should have been the same narrative that she gave Constable McCormick in July 2000 when she escalated her complaint. But that is not the narrative that she gave Constable McCormick in July 2000. In her narrative to Constable McCormick in July 2000 she did not mention love letters at all because there were no love letters to mention.

And this is important because Constable McCormick was the investigating officer assigned to her escalated complaint in July 2000. Constable McCormick was also the investigating officer in 2002. So no one would have known better than Constable McCormick that what she was saying in 2002 was not the same story that she was telling in July 2000.

Constable McCormick knew that she was lying!

And in 2002 when she fabricated the story that she was receiving love letters while she was in Sarnia she was also adamant that she still had those love letters. She told the RCMP that she still had those love letters. And she wrote in her **long** victim statement that she still had those love letters. It wasn't until she was asked to turn over those love letters to the police that she suddenly remembered that she had thrown out the love letters that she also allegedly forgot to mention to both Constables McCormick anf Lennon in July 2000.

That's quite a failure of memory for someone who testified and boasted of having a "photographic memory" at trial.

I find it very difficult to believe that someone boasting of having a "photographic memory" simply forgot to mention the love letters to Constable Lennon when she filed her original complaint. I find it very difficult to believe that someone boasting of having a "photographic memory" simply forgot to mention those love letters to Constable McCormick when she escalated her complaint the next day. I find it very difficult to believe that someone boasting of having a "photographic memory" simply forgot that she had thrown those love letters out when she was telling the RCMP that she still had those love letters.

And before you accuse me of spinning let me just remind you that there are more ways than one to prove that something had happened. If I had in fact sent her love letters there would be more than one way to prove that love letters had been sent to her. The most obvious way to prove it would be to produce the love letters. But she failed to do that. Another way to at least lend credibility to that narrative would be to show that her narrative had been consistent and that she had been telling the same story all along. But she also failed to do that. Then there are the people that she alleges delivered the love letters to her. And I'm not prepared to accept that she threw the messengers out with the love letters.

She is lying about receiving love letters! She is lying about me sending her love letters!

Her conduct is also not consistent with her alleged safety concerns nor her false allegations that I am obsessed with her.

One would presumably think that someone accusing another of being obsessed with them would be happy to have that person meet another female. But this doesn't appear to be the case for Ms. Plante and her manager. They apparently feel that I should be prevented from having a relationship with anyone. And to that end there is evidence that either she or her manager have been contacting everyone that she and her manager believe me to have an interest in. Taking steps to prevent me from having a relationship with someone else blows a gigantic hole in her false allegation that I am obsessed with her and diminishes significantly the reasonableness of her purported fear.

It would seem to me that she and her manager are taking great measures to cause me to become extremely angry by doing everything in their power to make my life a living hell in an effort to bolster their false claims that I am obsessed with her and to support their premise that they are simply protecting themselves. My not wanting a lover, including her, notwithstanding.

I have no doubt that she is scared. I just question what it is that she is truly scared of. Is it me? Or, is it the ten or more years that she could conceivably spend in a penitentiary for her twenty plus years of psychopathy stalking.

And I'm not going to listen to any of the garbage about not knowing what I am talking about. I know that I did not send her any love letters. I also posses the incident reports of both Constables Lennon and McCormick and there is absolutely no mention of love letters. I also have in my possesion her **changed** story that she offered to the RCMP where she does mention love letters and says that she still has them. And then there is her testimony in court where she **changes** her story once again by saying that she threw out the love letters that she told the RCMP she still had.

Then there's also the not so small matter of me NOT following her. She alleges that I followed her and I vehemently deny having ever followed her anywhere. Not only do I deny following her but I challenge her to show how it would have even been possible for me to have followed her.

The evening that I met her at the library I had come to the library directly from work. It was about 9:00pm and I know this because I had only about an hour before the last bus arrived and departed. I was given a ride downtown by a co-worker and dropped off in front of the library.

She was already at the library when I arrived and I would guess that she had been at the library for a considerable periof of time. When I approached her and introduced myself she said that she was studying for her pilot's license. She was also unkempt and in a veritable mess. I don't know where she came to the library from but it certainly was not from work.


I DID NOT FOLLOW HER TO HER HOME EITHER! Her story was that she had just gotten home from work and that she still had her work clothes on when I had approached her. Her story is not true! I did not follow her and it would not have even been possible for me to have followed her. According to her story she had driven home from work in her car. I was on foot! I was not driving! And I challenge her and her manager to show how I could have possibly followed a person in a car on foot!

And the third time that I had contact with her was at the intergalactic cafe on Vulcan Avenue on the dark side of Venus. Just kidding! There was no third time!

And don't tellme that I am not changing anyone's mind! Clearly it is not possible to cvhange the mind of those that already knew she was lying when they were railroading me! So clearly it is not my intent to try to change the minds of you obtuse bastards that already fucking know that I am telling the truth and she is fucking lying! My intent is not to change your minds but to remind you that you will never represent me again and you will never railroad me again! My intent is also to inform you that I am motherfucking suing you! And when I do sue you I will get what I want (your money) and you will very quickly realize that your money is all that I want from you motherfucking cunts!

I'm not going to tell you that I want nothing to do with you again. I'm going to let a court tell you that I want nothing to do with you! I'mnot going to tell you again that Iam not going to tolerate you. I'm going to let a court tell you that I am not going to tolerate you!

Fuck you, you motherfucking creepy psychopathy stalking motherfucking liar!

william Other October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm 1
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