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I've a different view

I've a different view

I realized I was wrong. I kept thinking about it to the point that I have started blaming myself. I learned that I shouldn't centralize my point of thinking on it--- on us. I should just think about what lies ahead. I am sorry, K. If you only knew it was never my intention to do your harm. I had no one to talk to, to confide my problems. Hence, I released them to the wrong people, who then misunderstood my true intention. I never though of you like that. I am sorry.

Lord, help me heal the damage I have caused her. I regret everything now. I never wished for this to happen.

I understand you, K, and all the struggles you experience. But, I could not express it, lest my purpose again will be taken the wrong way.

I hate myself. I couldn't even think properly, or even look in the mirror. I loathe the person I have become. I am sorry.

Lord, help me.

I was lost, confused, and left-out. always have been left-out. I didn't even want to burden my family with my struggles at school... I hope you understand me somehow.
I am a kind person, K. And, never will I hate you. Help me, Lord.
Pionee Friends September 29, 2024 at 4:53 am 0
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