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I'm sincerely sorry,

I'm sincerely sorry,

I don't know what's gotten into me, ever since I found out a secret I can't be quiet in my mind, I always cry even when I'm just laughing then when I'm with my family members and my friends I'm always happy but one night, before going to bed I prayed and thanked the Lord for his blessings, but then I remembered that we will all be gone in this world?

We will all turn into ashes and disappear from the company of our loved ones, I just don't know why but what I don't understand is why? why do I miss her so much? why am I so afraid of losing them? why did I find out the secret of the one I love the most in the whole world? why did she lied to us?

I love her so much, but I hate my self for always crying for someone that doesn't even care even a little for me. arghhhhh I want to hate but I don't know how, because I can't even last a minute that I am mad at her.

John 4:4 says: "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."..... That's all for today and for you who's reading this please stay safe and always remember that someone loves you, loves all of us!
anonymous Relationships September 29, 2024 at 5:38 am 0
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