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go home

Nosey skinny ugly ass loser Adam v staying to spy. As usual these losers watch everything I do. To mill at 2:35 so there's the lurch looking asshole Adam past at 3:05. How about stop watching me and go the hell home
anonymous Work September 20, 2024 at 3:14 pm 0
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Creepy old ape as always waiting and watching. Just sitting in aisle like a creeper
anonymous 5 hours ago
Out of restroom at 3:16. Creepy little midget and nosey ass weirdo who's last name Locklear and who's first name I've forgotten past at 4:16. This little shit saw me go in and also leave because the dwarf was posted outside of assembly pretending to work. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!
anonymous 5 hours ago
Ffs. Just fix it before you leave or leave a note. Any goddamn excuse to talk to me. I hate stupid shit like that. I guarantee there's NO reason to say ANYTHING. GO HOME. can't even check my shit without the hillbilly coming over making up reason's to bother me.
anonymous 4 hours ago
What is the need of always leaving that job for me to run? You're always fucking with it and leaving them for me. Why can't somebody run them on first? Especially since they come to me shitty and you clearly haven't ironed out the problems. Just fucking lazy because you have to stay at the machine to run 'em. No. You should all be able to walk around yapping and keeping tabs on people instead focusing on what the fuck you're paid to focus on. I hate you people so goddamn much.
anonymous 4 hours ago
5:35 and fat ass black ass ugly attention seeking pile of shit from 3rd shift here early and making a bunch of noise.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Out of lunchroom at 6:37 somehow ugly ass old man from buffing knows this and is past at 7:07
anonymous 2 hours ago
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