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Fuck the people on the news

Fuck the people on the news

I just realized that. Fuck the overblown stories on the news. You know how much shit me and most people go through/have been through? We don't get no pity parties on the news. Why should I worry about whatever shit is happening to spoiled Californians,or people who illegally went into America who are now being kicked out. Or, the 9228848th retard who did stupid shit with a gun. Or some retard white trash in the local news who did meth? Fuck them. They don't care about anyone else, why should I worry about them.
anonymous Other February 26, 2025 at 4:22 pm 1
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None of these people thought of anyone but themselves. But oh some Mexican who acted entitled and horribly here is now crying crocodile tears hoping for a handout. Fuck them. Methhead ruined their life by acting like a spoiled brat? Fuck them. Retard CFO got caught embezzling money? Fuck them.

Children deserve sympathy. People who were born into bad situations deserve sympathy. People who aren't self centered fucks looking for a handout, who'd NEVER help anyone else don't.
anonymous 4 hours ago
"some Mexican who acted entitled and horribly here is now crying crocodile tears hoping for a handout. Fuck them"

anonymous 4 hours ago
Be Aware that henceforth all news will be scripted as directed by the Monarchy and shall not cater to any woke concept of reporting accuracy or truth which will be re-defined and you will be loyal/happy and you will be obedient/happy. That is all
BE HAPPY O B E Y 3 hours ago
> Fuck you, oligarch bidet Francis.
anonymous 3 hours ago
this here stuff is scary because it is happening and eggs is up and sick is up and hungry is up and help has been fired. now the bosses can get all them fired feds for cheap and for no bene's. har ho..who pays the unemployment chex? bet francis dont pay it.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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