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Family rant

Family rant

Am I an asshole for being mad my younger brother got a nicer car than me? I’m 19 and got my first car at 15. My first and only car has been a 2011 Chevy Malibu and it was nice at first until it became shit. I’m extremely grateful to my parents of course who were able to get me a car at that age, due to sports and living so far away. I’ve also had a job since I was late 15 and have payed for mostly everything including gas, car maintenance, car repairs, and everyday things. My car has had many problems over the years, the sun roof leaks when it rains, my turning signal is broken, break repairs, tire changes, slight rust damage, and dent repairs(wasn’t my fault). My father accidentally hit my car and I still payed for half of the repair. So I have basically put thousands into my car. My brother is newly 16 with no job and got a smaller truck for his birthday. My parents pay for gas expenses and basically everything for him. His main issue was space and needed more room for friends I guess. I came up with the idea of giving him my car and I could maybe get a new car, after spending so much money on my own. I would also be chipping in. Over this weekend I was surprised to see my parents bought his a 2018 jeep grand Cherokee. Do I have the right to be mad about this or am I an asshole?
anonymous Other September 29, 2024 at 3:42 am 0
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I don't think you're an asshole for thatt. This isn't just about the car anyway, It's about being fair and obviously they weren't I'd be frustrated too if I were in your position
May 3 hours ago
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