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Everyone can go F themselves is how I feel

Everyone can go F themselves is how I feel

I don’t why but today it just seems like the day that literally everybody wants to piss me off somehow. So the day before I had been moving all day so was very tired and extremely sore the next day. Well the next morning comes and I wake up to an email from the housing director for my dorm explaining that everyone on my floor is receiving a fine and citation for failure to take out trash and keep restrooms clean. Mind you, I do what I’m supposed to do bc that’s just how I was raised but for some reason these dumbass people on my floor don’t have the ducking common sense to flush a damn toilet, piss IN THE TOILET, take garbage to the dumpster that is maybe 20 steps from the fucking dorm and ohh most importantly throw up into a fucking toilet rather than on the goddamn floor to the fucking showers that we all fucking use. Oh and I almost forgot how I came back to college at 11am yesterday and went to take a shower, hah and guess what, there’s fucking three big ass turds in one of the shower stalls. I don’t know how(sorry in advance for using the r-word) retarded you have to be but seriously how Can you take a shit in the shower when the fucking toilets are a closer walk. Who would go out of their way for this. I’m spending too much time on the start of my day, but anyway, I’ve been talking to this guy and this is the second time he has done this now but after 2-3 weeks of communication he decided to just ghost me and continue to leave me on read. So now I’m being fined with no way to pay for it when it’s not my fucking fault, I have no fucking boyfriend and anyone else I talked to throughout the duration of this day has said the dumbest shit to me or left me on read instead of simply saying oh I don’t think we should talk or we don’t vibe. No just leave me on read for countless hours. This is a long ass rant I know but I need this bc I have no one to talk to right now bc my boyfriend is a complete jackass and my friends are all fake as fuck and don’t care when I need someone to speak to. Last thing and then I’m done I promise. My fucking Roommate…when I say that there will be a fucking murder in the next 24 hours I mean it. This fuck boy is so irritating. So he is a complete fucking slob just constantly farting and leave his dirty ass clothes all over the place. This man has a clothes hamper but rather than use it for DIRTY CLOTHES he just throws all his clothes on the floor to his damn closet. He never washed clothes on his own. We have been head since August and this man has washed his own clothes once in that time frame while everything else he just has his mom wash for him. He cannot clean up for himself and I’m sick of this slob. I’m not saying you need to spend an hour in the shower but when I can time you and your shower last 3 minutes including the time it takes him to walk to the shower and back. So really he showers for just barely over a minute and is done everyday. And to make it worse he has one pair of short and one pair of pants that he cycles between. So he sleeps commando ok, in the Same shorts that he has not washed in over a month every single day and I know this man just smells like straight dookies and ballsack. It’s fucking disgusting. But thats not why I’m going to commit murder. I’m commiting murder bc I LOVE my sleep and I know everyone else can feel the same way. Now this boy will have an alarm set ok, he has no fucking class at that fucking time but has an alarm set. Normally an alarm goes off 1-3 times and turn it off that’s normal. Nope the first time it goes off for a solid 5 minutes. But rather than simply press the button that says TURN OFF what he will do is let it go off endlessly for a good 30-45 minutes before the auto turn off function kicks in. This morning he had one for 9 and 9:30 so there was a solid hour of it going off. I tried turning up my music bc I sleep with music which worked for a little but finally I had enough. So I got my little happy ass up put on pants walked out the door and slammed that bitch as loud as possible. I came back 5 minutes later, no more alarms and slept for another 2 hours and did not give a single fuck about him. So basically this is how my life has been for since August living with him and how awful my day today was. And if you see anything on the news about a black boy from Georgetown murdering his roommate, you will know it was me. And may I just say that ranting to random people online who probably won’t read this or care much is honestly so nice and releases so much tension.
anonymous Relationships February 25, 2020 at 1:04 am 0
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1 Rant Comment
“Literally” everyone wants to piss you off? How is that possible?
anonymous 4 years ago
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