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do i or dont i

do i or dont i

do i or dont i go to this groups concert? i mean on one hand i can afford the ticket yay, but on the other i have to prepare much for it like having the right type of bag theyd allow in, id either want to get merch of some type or have the lightstick which requires an app apparently which i didnt know about and the lightstick costs an extra 50 odd quid but then i will also want a photocard to attach to said bag cause everyonell have those. sigh i didnt realise how much u got to prepare for concerts we used to jsut turn up at them with no bag check :/ and its at the venue where the ariana grande bombing happened so if i do get a ticket im sitting as close to an exit as possible. if i take a phone its either going to be my mums phone or my dinky little phone that doesnt really do photos but its fine. yet at the same time i will want to take photos but i wanted to stop using smartphones :/ dilemma

as for what im going to wear just jeans and trainers and the groups t shirt or football shirt of my local club and my fave jacket yh simple is best for me lol. ik ppl like to go all out but idfk i dont really want too cause i really just want to watch their performances. also idk if theyll perform my fave song of theirs or not.
anonymous Other September 29, 2024 at 8:34 am 0
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