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Dear Soulmate:

Dear Soulmate:

I really don't know why I'm putting this on here maybe it's in the hope that you will see it and we wont be alone anymore. I can feel your pain even though your not here and I don't even know if its because your in a abusive relationship or some other reason...maybe your hurting like I am since you want to find me but can't. I know you Love Supernatural because I swear as I'm watching it I can feel you watching it as well and laughing at Sam and Dean doing what they do best always getting into Trouble. I cant even sleep at night because your not next to me and its tearing a hole inside my heart that I know you can feel. I have spent 28 years of my life searching for you and now feel the only way I am going to find you is when I finally close my eyes in death someday I wish it wasn't that way I wish you were here right now so that we could spend the 50 years or how ever many years I have left together. I also know you have children and a man that has refused to be a Father to them ....How i wish I could be there to wake up every morning and get them ready for school while you sleep and be sneaky and make you breakfast in bed with a note that says "You always will be my Only Love" to add a smile to your face. We are not like the rest of the people on this planet you and I share a connection that goes beyond time and space We are Twin Flame Soul Mates and that is why its so hard to be without you I was destined to be your Love, Your shield from the world, and your light in the darkness....and even the person that would give his life to protect yours as a man is called to do. I am sorry that you are in pain and I wish I could be there to wipe the tears from your eyes and tell you its alright I'm here and your safe but sadly that time has not come yet but when it does and we do find each other no one will ever hurt you again that is a promise I will die for. be strong and know that you are Loved and nothing will stop us from being together someday I will fight the very fires of hell if I have to to make it to you and on that day nothing will ever stop us again.
steve Relationships September 29, 2024 at 6:35 am 0
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