Turned in 5 "boys" at work yesterday. Audio and video of them giving the nazi salute and threatening to rape a girl at a party.
Took that shit right to hr and dean of the building.
Today i learn that they are perma banned from the college and were kicked out.
I dont feel bad that their college career is ruined. I will continue to wear my camera gear. I want to see how many kids get removed this year...
I regret nothingWork January 28, 2025 at 2:13 pm60
Good for you, glad to hear there is still some decent humans on the planet. See something, Say something. anonymous 1 day ago
Now I salute you for that. IF it were me, I would've castrated those "Boys". They give males like me a bad name and can understandably see why women may really hate men as if they were natural enemies. These motherfuckers never had a mom to call their own probably or else logically they would NEVER think of doing something like threatening rape, much less the Nazi salute which seems to be acceptable only for the high powers now, not so for the plebs. Which at present is good, but it'll seep down to them, and then it'll be as if history will forcefully repeat itself on those who know history and yet we're the criminals. Further, while it can eliminate privacy for the common man, I really do like cameras because, especially if they have audio, they're the ultimate unbiased arbiter out there. You do a Nazi salute or say something borderline illegal, though I would think it'd be illegal, like threatening rape, much less anything else, well, the camera caught it, and since pictures speak a thousand words, there's no need to speak as the camera did all the speaking for me. So good for you and it seems like this year is going great for you. I'm glad! Keep rocking! anonymous 1 day ago
Doubt it. Cuz Boyz will be Boyz. And they don't pay for shit EVER. anonymous 1 day ago
The college i work for doesnt fuck around.
Saw them get taken out of class by the president of the college. So yea, they got kicked.
Trust me, in this town theyll be chased out of.
Had a SA attack last year. The town basically stopped serving them at stores,resturants, and the fact that the father of the victim sprayed cow shit all over their house and yard.
Or the year someones son did raped a girl. That father shot the fucker. anonymous 1 day ago
4 Rant Comments
anonymous 1 day ago
anonymous 1 day ago
anonymous 1 day ago
Saw them get taken out of class by the president of the college. So yea, they got kicked.
Trust me, in this town theyll be chased out of.
Had a SA attack last year. The town basically stopped serving them at stores,resturants, and the fact that the father of the victim sprayed cow shit all over their house and yard.
Or the year someones son did raped a girl. That father shot the fucker.
anonymous 1 day ago