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Batshit Swiss Miss of south Africa commits massacr

Batshit Swiss Miss of south Africa commits massacr

Look for "South Africa's deadly Trojan Horse" on YouTube where the nazi Swiss Misses hiding in boxes in the back of a truck suddenly popped out gunned down a bunch of black kids during the Apartheid era. Remember, this is the South Africa Elon Musk came from and it shows. And I don't want the Swiss Miss Heidis and Adolfs from that country in America either, that includes the Swiss Miss known as Musk.
anonymous Other February 22, 2025 at 3:04 pm 0
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These girls will be fine on the soupream cort.
anonymous 10 hours ago
anonymous 10 hours ago
Nobody asked those Swiss Misses to come to South Africa centuries ago to begin with. But as the proto Nazis that they were and still are, they stole yet another land they had no right to even be stepping foot on, and they started their murder, massacre, and segregation in that part of the world.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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