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America in ONE year

America in ONE year

I hope you libtards are ready to accept the consequences you caused this country! By stealing the election from President Trump, and FORCING Biden in, you have doomed the United States to socialism! Our once great nation, that was thriving and flourishing from the wonderful policies and actions of Trump, who put things in place that has helped ALL Americans (including you ungrateful leftists!) This time next year, we will all be waiting in the freezing cold with thin jackets, or ripped up blankets, or nothing at all to keep us warm, waiting on stale bread, water broth, and fighting over scraps of rancid and spoiled meat! The economy will have grinded down to nothing, and come to a complete halt, our homes will be dark and dank shells, because Biden is going to shut down the oil and coal industry, and put them out of business, just like everything else! Our streets will be ran by Antifa, who will be like Nazi gestapo, checking our COVID vaccination cards before we are allowed to even leave the house, enter a building, or be allowed any sort of movement! We will be wearing HEAVY, ill-fitting masks that entirely cover our faces by that point, and there will no REAL law enforcement, or emergency services, or military, since the Democrats will have defunded it all, in exchange for Antifa taking over like plantation overseers!

Perverts will be able to hurt any child they want, because pedophilia will be considered a "sexual preference" and the pedos will be a protected class nationwide, just like they are in California right now! There will be total confusion about gender, and we will be forced to wear labels that will say our "pronouns" and if we don't use them, or make a mistake, the punishment will be as severe as how murderers are treated! There will be NO actual healthcare, because socialized medicine, will actually mean NO ONE gets to see a doctor, and people will be sick and dying all over! In fact, the only healthcare funding will be for abortion and sex change operations and hormones blockers for kids so they can "pick" their gender later on!

There will be NO MORE vote, because people don't get to vote in socialist dictatorships! We will be faced DECADES of poverty, hardship, pain, suffering, war, famine, disease, inequality of WHITE people and religious persecution of Christians! ALL freedom of speech will be eliminated, guns will be taken, and "In God We Trust" will be removed from everything, and any sort of prayer will be called "hate speech" and punishable! The government will own children, and parents will not have ANY rights, unless they are gay parents, and gays will get endless special privileges, and most likely, be given the children of Christians, because the government will take our kids away if we try to raise them with faith, and understanding of Christ! Christians will have to worship underground, and white men will be constantly targeted and attacked on a regular basis, because we are now what the Jews were to Nazi Germany!

You think what is happening now is bad? You all acting shock over what went on at the Capitol? Just wait until you see the utter dystopia and abyssal state America falls into in just a few short months of being pushed into a socialist country! You all will be begging for Trump to come back and restore this country, but it will be too late! Liberal Democrats literally destroyed the last refuge we had to save our nation, which was Donald Trump's Presidency! They STOLE the election from him, and thus, stole from all of us, and now we ALL lost!
Scott L Political January 14, 2021 at 1:12 am 8
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23 Rant Comments
I am soooo ready. As long as Trump isn't captain of this sinking ship.
Rachael 3 years ago
Pedophilia is going to run rampant now? Aside from that, what you typed out was very creative, super descriptive. You should seriously consider writing a book. That is not sarcasm either I mean it.
Rachael 3 years ago
There are currently huge lines for food. People are right now starving and dying, losing their homes and their jobs. 4000 people are dying each day from the pandemic. Trump tried to install himself as dictator and deny a free and fair election.
This is happening right now, in Trump's America.

There's zero proof of election fraud on a massive scale. You're deeply delusional.

In 4 years, when none of this none of this insane shit you mentioned has happened, when the country is objectively in a better place than it is now, will you come back and admit you were wrong? I really doubt it. You'll still be here, foaming at the mouth about the latest bullshit conspiracy fantasy, whatever that is.

I hope not, I hope you at least calm down and stop thinking so catastrophically. It's gonna be OK.
Chill Bro 3 years ago
When your house goes up in flames, you still want the fire department to show up though, right? Ok good just checking.
anonymous 3 years ago
Nobody stole an election from your lord and master, Lardloon! Biden just won, fair and square! Fuck your poo poo’s and fee fee’s!
anonymous 3 years ago
Jesus fucking christ stfu and take your meds for once!! -__-
FuckTrumpsNaziParty 3 years ago
"I hope you libtards are ready to accept the nerp merp merp wonk wonk wonk wonk"

Oops, Unsorry, but this is how I read your post.
Biden is scott larsen's new President 3 years ago
" faced DECADES of poverty, hardship, pain, suffering, war, famine, disease"

Oh noze, Lardloon! Wow, you better hop on that next plane to Russia to get away from all this!
Fly, Lardloon, FLY! Fly away with all your might!
Lardloon needs to move to Russia 3 years ago
^Gee, Lardloon, I thought you said Jesus and God was going to keep Trump in office? What happened?


Biden is scott larsen's new President 3 years ago
It’s always comical to see responses by liberals. The supposed champions of all emotive virtue, compassion, and outreach are the first to torment people in pain. The writer of this rant is clearly disturbed by policies, ideas, and actions of political figures he or she does not agree with. Because liberals don’t like people they disagree.......blah blah blah you can talk to liberals until your blue in the face they mocked Noah, Moses, sent Daniel to the lions den, sold one of their brothers to Egypt, told Lot to send his guests in to the street for some ass pounding, turned Rome from Aurelius into Caligula, wanted bread and circuses instead of solutions, produced Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Wuhan, Clintons, assless chaps, and the hot mess, and still take a shot right next to themselves and look for someone to blame for it. They will pay for it but they won’t know it and they will take the rest of us with them every time. Read a history book someone. The lazy, the stupid, the wicked, the envious, the intellectualy bereft are all throughout the pages even the causes of the truly just are hijacked and perverted by them. Such is life. Until conservatives start again and learn to shoot the first idiot among them to mention “free stuff” this shit will happen again and again. Good versus Evil and everything in between.
Endodayso 3 years ago
It’s always comical to see responses by liberals. The supposed champions of all emotive virtue, compassion, and outreach are the first to torment people in pain. The writer of this rant is clearly disturbed by policies, ideas, and actions of political figures he or she does not agree with. Because liberals don’t like people they disagree.......blah blah blah you can talk to liberals until your blue in the face they mocked Noah, Moses, sent Daniel to the lions den, sold one of their brothers to Egypt, told Lot to send his guests in to the street for some ass pounding, turned Rome from Aurelius into Caligula, wanted bread and circuses instead of solutions, produced Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Wuhan, Clintons, assless chaps, and the hot mess, and still take a shot right next to themselves and look for someone to blame for it. They will pay for it but they won’t know it and they will take the rest of us with them every time. Read a history book someone. The lazy, the stupid, the wicked, the envious, the intellectualy bereft are all throughout the pages even the causes of the truly just are hijacked and perverted by them. Such is life. Until conservatives start again and learn to shoot the first idiot among them to mention “free stuff” this shit will happen again and again. Good versus Evil and everything in between. I mean check out the gashleak with the “Haha’s”
Endodayso 3 years ago

Instead of frothing with sockpuppets, Scott Larsen, you better buy that tickie-wickie to Russia.

You will fit in there.
anonymous 3 years ago
Fuck yourself, Scott Fuckboy.
Angry Genderfluid 3 years ago
Waaaaaaa! I wunted Dick-see Land to rize again! No fair! Waaaa! Why God Why? I thawute u were going to make Trump King of America foreverz! Waaaaa!
Scott Larsen 3 years ago
"By stealing the election from President Trump, and FORCING Biden in, you have doomed the United States to socialism!"

But you said Jesus and God was going to keep Trump in office, Cheeseloin!

Scince you blasphemed against God for falsely representing him, you better lay flat on your stomach, weep, and beg for his forgiveness.
anonymous 3 years ago
Cry more
anonymous 3 years ago
Just follow Trump to whatever country he tries to go hide in. You two will be happy together.
anonymous 3 years ago
I see the God mockers and haters of this country are out on a rabid attack against me, a true patriotic American and Christian man again! The only sense on here is from Endodayso who states the exact truth! I am a man, disturbed by policies that destroying our great sovereign nation! Those policies that hurt us the most, all can be traced to liberal pet projects, that they turned into agendas, then forced America to swallow as policy and law for all! Liberals claim inclusion, and believe they have a monopoly on being progressive, but in reality, every time the liberals have power, we lose our footing and our entire structure or morals, sense of right and wrong, and system of laws and order, crumble!

Liberals will turncoat against anyone if it benefits them, and they have no pride, self-worth, or faith to guide them to be better people! They are like unevolved animals with no restraint! This is why they support murdering babies, and think sexual deviants and pedos are normal and should be accepted and embraced! The left is entirely detached from God! This is why the celebrate sin, and will fight tooth and nail to push as much evil, destruction, corruption, and amoral behavior into society as they can! They are driven by evil forces and darkness, and when they have power, they govern that way! They turned our country into a pile of lazy, withering, needy, demanding, limp-wrists who need constant coddling and validation, and who all think they are kids well into their late twenties! Men used to be REAL men! They had a REAL man's job. They served this country. They knew how to hunt, fish, handle a firearm, and fight! They provided for their families, and were the heads of the household, set the rules and enforced them! They took their guidance from God, and used it to lead their family righteously!

Liberals have transformed this nation into a bunch of bumbling, whining, soyboys who are triggered over pronouns and someone wearing a shirt with a mascot on which didn't follow the liberal rule of political correctness and thought control!

In trying to make everything and everyone equal (which people by nature are NOT and shouldn't be) they made everyone a useless bag of shit that contributes nothing to society and took away actual purpose! Everyone is the same, so why should anyone bother trying to be better? Right? Why have incentive at all, if nothing will ever be better, or improve, or innovate, because there is no need, we are all equal and all have the same thing! Liberals eliminated accountability and expectations, because there is no need, we are all "the same" person, doing the same things, with no deviation or ideas or creativity! Just mindless, government controlled, politically correct drones who mill around about non-existent issues and phony social justice causes, which don't even exist! Liberals self-victimize because they have no REAL character, awareness, personality or purpose, so they have to make something up! MOST liberals, come from a very wealthy WHITE background, in a WHITE suburban neighborhood with WHITE conservative Christian parents. Totally detached from any sort of social inequality or poverty, or even having an idea what that is like! Liberals are assclowns and edgelords, and that IS it! NO value or substance or meaning in liberalism! Every single thing liberals touch turns to shit, and that includes our freedoms, liberties, and rights as Americans!
Scott L 3 years ago
I hope you are just trolling...
anonymous 3 years ago
Shut up, Scott, and move to Russia instead, since there’s no democracy in there and all of the elections in there are always rigged forever; plus, so many people in there are Neo-Nazis, so I’m sure they’ll accept racist awful beings like yourself!
anonymous 3 years ago
“Men used to be REAL men! They had a REAL man's job. They served this country. They knew how to hunt, fish, handle a firearm, and fight! They provided for their families, and were the heads of the household, set the rules and enforced them! They took their guidance from God, and used it to lead their family righteously!“

You mean that men used to be able to beat their wives (and kds) and treat them like slaves without consequences?
anonymous 3 years ago
Trumpers can't stop crying.
anonymous 3 years ago
You mean you doomed the world to *NOT* everyone hating it? I mean bro sure you might not want to fall into socialism but I can say it's better than everyone hating your president, and your country.
anonymous 3 years ago
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