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Done! Here is your rant about controlling people:

Controlling people are one of the most difficult types of people to deal with because they not only try to control your actions, but they also try to control your thoughts, feelings, and decisions. They want you to behave and think in a certain way and they will do everything in their power to achieve their goal, even if it means manipulating you or using force. When people have such tight control over others, they usually end up making their targets feel unsafe, trapped, and unhappy.

The effects of such controlling behavior often extend beyond the immediate relationship between the controller and the controlled. It can lead to severe emotional and physical health consequences for both people, as well as for the people who witness the controlling behavior.

Controlling behavior is often indicative of deeper emotional issues, such as a lack of confidence or insecurity, which can have long-term negative impacts on multiple aspects of a person's life. However, it is important to note that there are some strategies that can help individuals overcome controlling tendencies and develop healthier ways of managing their emotions and interactions.

Controlling behaviors can vary in severity depending on the person's situation, level of self-awareness, and the way they approach relationships. Some controlling people are more subtle and manipulative while others can be overt and forceful. Regardless of the type of controlling behavior, it can create a destructive cycle of negative emotions such as fear, anger, insecurity, and shame that are difficult to change without professional help.

Controlling individuals often lack empathy for the people they control, which can make it difficult for them to recognize the harm they are causing.
anonymous Political May 09, 2024 at 9:38 am 0
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10 Rant Comments
says a person that wants to control how other people think
anonymous 2 weeks ago
No I don't. You do. You're the one willing to sabotage just about anything all to control one person
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not the one who keeps banning anyone who voices a differing opinion
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not going around shooting dogs in gravel pits for not being properly trained
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not the one recruiting friends to gaslight and spread misinformation
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not the one trying to force players to do nothing but pvp 24/7
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not the one stripping fun out of video games or harassing people to the point of suicide
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not the one mocking people with epilepsy
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I am not the one using migration zones to direct players to throw their dinos off cliffs
anonymous 2 weeks ago
wow some people people here.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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