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Comedy or Annoying?

Comedy or Annoying?

I said it before, I'll say it again, I'm REALLY starting to hate YouTube. First, I've gotten my comments deleted randomly without my knowledge sometimes, but hypocritically, if I report actual bullying or bigotry, it gets ignored and is not taken seriously. Then, I get suspended from commenting for a day due to "Hate Speech" but the irony is that all I did was defend myself from someone who was attacking me for no reason and while my comment was rude, it wasn't hate speech. I didn't discriminate or have prejudice against a group of people for their differences and who they are, I was just rude to a person who attacked me. Ironically, this person attacked ME because I'm different and, again, when I reported them, nothing happened.

As if none of that was enough, once I was finally able to comment on YouTube again, I was having a conversation of a disagreement with someone and decided to provide actual factual evidence, including sources, to support my stance. Without noticing that YouTube so kindly deleted my comments AGAIN without any notification to me, I assumed the other person saw my comments and just blatantly ignored and was in denial of the information I provided. This spawned a literal fuckin fight online! And I mean a fuckin shit-ass long fight! YouTube be startin drama! Like that entire fight could've been reduced to us either having an intelligent and polite discussion or just for the other person to stand corrected with the evidence. Simple. But no, YouTube was like, "I don't like these facts, but I love random chaos! Let's create drama!" I am so pissed with YouTube right now. I'd leave and find a new platform, but let's face it; YouTube is akin to a monopoly. No other place can give you all the videos you want, your favorite creators, and free content (even though there are ads). YouTube is also easy to post your own video content. If there were a better place, I'd leave. It's platforms feel like they're just getting worse and worse.
anonymous Other May 09, 2024 at 2:00 am 0
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